Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hello Luke Allen

Wed Dec. 9th
- 4:00pm - Karen has doctors apt. with Dr. Lee. Karen is 80% effaced - 4 cm dialated and Dr. Lee stripped the membranes. Dr. Lee said the baby would be born within 3 days.

- 5:30pm - Kevin and Courtney meet Karen at Roscoe's Taco's. Courtney was bad.

- 9:35pm - Karen came downstairs and said she'd just had 3 contractions!

- 10:20pm - Called Doctor and she said to go to the Emergency Room... she'd meet us there.

- 10:30pm - Called family to let them know. Took Courtney to neighbors house to sleep.

- 11:00pm - Arrive at hospital - 5-6 cm dialated.

- 11:55pm - Karen got epideral... starts to behave like a normal human being again.

Dec. 10th

- 12:30am - Both Nini's and Papaw's arrive at hospital. Karen is 7-8 cm dialated.

- 1:00am - Karen's water broke.

- 1:30am - Dr. Lee arrives.

- 2:20am - Start pushing.

- 2:30am - After 5 sets of pushes the baby's head is coming fast. The nurse calls for Dr. Lee who is downstairs and tells Karen to stop pushing. The baby is ready to come out though. Nurse Amanda starts to deliver the baby because the cord is wrapped around the neck. (I asked her later if she had ever delivered a baby before and she said that Luke was her first) The head is out and I told Karen it looks like a boy. She says "Thats what you said with Courtney too!"

- 2:32am - LUKE ALLEN IS BORN! Karen and I both see him at the same time and Karen says "Its a Boy!" He is handsome! He weighs 8lbs and 6 0z and is 21 and a 1/2 inches long.

Nini Connie and Papaw Jeff with Luke.
Nini Jane Ann and Papaw Larry with Luke.

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